Information and Commentary on the Issues Facing Ohio's Craft Beer Community, Breweries and Distilleries - Brewed by the Craft Beer Lawyers of Bruns, Connell, Vollmar & Armstrong's Brewery & Distillery Practice Group



OBC Fieldtrip #3 (Rhinegeist) - "I Ain't Afraid of No Ghost!"

OBC recently returned to the Queen City for an impromptu evening in Over the Rhine.  A well-overdue stop to Rhinegeist was in order and the "Ghost of the Rhine" did not disappoint.  Despite its otherwise inconspicuous entrance and multiple flights of stairs, you feel like you stepped inside the gates of Wonka upon entering the taproom of the old Morelein bottling plant.


A playground of ping-pong, cornhole and craftbeer makes Rhinegeist a beer lovers paradise.  Oh, did we mention the beer ain't bad either!?  On tap was a plethora of American Pale Ales and we enjoyed testing the variations of Azacca, Equinox, Rakau and Andromeda. 


Cheers Rhinegeist!  OBC looks forward to your future expansion and creations.